Behind Nicaragua-Direct...

Well, having been doing this since 1995, we are four individuals who with the support of our respective families that are making an effort to support and assist Schools, Senior Care Facilities, families and individuals in need. This is still and always will be the focus in Nicaragua.

It all began in 1995 when a Colleague of mine, Jerome J. Drosos from Triton College and I went to San Marcus, Nicaragua to teach at the then University of Mobile’s Central American University Campus subjects relating to the Hospitality Industry.

From there it evolved into a yearly Humanitarian Journey which now is in its 26th year. Presently, due to the current travel restrictions/challenges associated with same, we have not physically been present in Nicaragua for the past two years. We hope that will change soon.

I Nicaragua we have three families that that is of utmost importance to us. Presently, these families are assisting us with the purchase of needed provisions/supplies i.e., School material for both Students and Teachers (lower grade levels primarily), Hygiene Items and Food for several Senior Care facilities in the Carazo, Masaya and Granada areas.

Our thanks go out to the Aburto Castellon, Rodolfo and the Herrera, Jose families in Granada and San Marcos. These families have done everything within their means to be of assistance since early on. This is illustrated by comment received from many recipients of services provided, this especially during this period of our absence from Nicaragua. As mentioned, we hope this will soon change.

In 2009 a colleague from Triton College, Mr. Robert Anthony, Professor Emeritus offered to assist and have since then been a tremendous asset to the work being done in Nicaragua.

Meet The Team

Jens C Nielsen
Founder, Humanitarian
Robert Anthony
Jose Herrera
Rodolfo Aburto
Humanitarian and Web-Master

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